Cannabis Event Disclaimer

Cannabis events are much ado about nothing. I mean, they’re fun, and all, just that the danger are things like binge eating and napping. Cannabis is safer than alcohol because it’s nontoxic. Its aftermath does not result in date rapes and fights.

I write this to get the record straight; cannabis events are safer than any other with alcohol.

As the YouTube channel, podcast, and site continue to grow, I will be covering cannabis events. I write this because I don’t want anyone to get the impression that this is one big party, but there needs to be a time when one can let their hair down, enjoy the company, and not fear judgment or law enforcement.

Prohibition gives shade to cannabis events; it’s not the actual results of consumption of a plant and its byproducts that are wrong but the long-winded propaganda campaign against a plant.

I write this piece to post as an intro to all events I will cover in the future. There is no shame in having fun.

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