Who, What, How to Legalize Cannabis?

Between Mexico and Canada, there’s a gap of common sense and unity. People reached out to us from prohibition states asking, “What can I do?”. I believe the effort to legalize marijuana is just like when a person is fighting for their freedom from the law; you are your own best advocate.

I recommend first to seak out a group to join. Most states have some organization where people can mind hive to figure out what bills to support and even initiate. If you choose to create your organization, I warn you to be patient for people who support cannabis sweeps the American spectrum; you’ll get all types.

First up to bat is good ole’ NORML. NORML is an excellent resource to connect with others locally, as well. The website offers things you can do on the Take Action tab. From there, you can find out policies and legislators to focus on in your State. Sign up for NORML’s newsletter, where you’ll receive news each State moves forward to the present.

Take Action

The following two I will lump together because you get the point by now. These sites help us organize for the parliamentary procedure, which is how things are done in America; it’s the process. Both HeadCount’s Cannabis Voter Project and Cannabis In Common offer chances to register to vote and ways to contact your representative if you’re 18 and older. If you’re 17, you should sign up, you’ll be voting soon, and your voice counts. These sites are good sources for info, follow their social media, and get involved in chats; this is how you build your network.

Creating a network and getting out to vote is how we make a difference in America. Ohio is a prime example. Activists in Ohio are decriminalizing cannabis city by city; this will ensure the safety of present and future consumers to come.

Another way to make a difference in the war on drugs is to contact and advocate for the prisoners, give Hope. Giving Hope has been my primary weapon in the war on drugs. One of the first groups I ever volunteered for was The Human Solution International, an organization created by Joe Grumbine, who was prosecuted in California for cannabis when there was only medical. The Human Solution International advocates for jury nullification and court support, things Joe feels helped solidify his freedom.

You can also contact prisoners directly through the POW420 website, Voices of the Cannabis War, and Freedom Grow Forever. These three different orgs have been the epitome of grassroots and out-of-pocket for years. POW420 tries to provide a resource of addresses and case numbers of people sitting behind bars due to our bad law. Voices of the Cannabis War and Freedom Grow Forever raises money for prisoners and their families, supporting Americans during their time of most need. Pot prisoners are more than people; they are Americans who have been screwed by their country but still have faith they will bounce back from it all.

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