What States Are Legalizing Cannabis in 2023?

What States Are Legalizing Cannabis in 2023?

4 states have a good shot at #legalizing #recreational #marijuana in #2023

Source MJBiz dot com.

If the Minnesota state Capitol feels different lately, it’s not just the Democratic Farmer-Labor Party (DFL) enjoying the “trifecta” – control of both houses in the Legislature plus the governor’s office – for the first time in 10 years.
It’s also the marijuana – as in a detectable whiff from the direction of state Rep. Jessica Hanson.

A second-term lawmaker whose first foray into politics was serving as executive director for a legalization advocacy organization, Hanson co-sponsored bipartisan adult-use legalization legislation that was reintroduced last week.
The bill, which passed the state House last year, is expected to get a friendlier reception this year in the now-DFL-majority Senate.

“We elected people at a grassroots level to the Legislature in this state who care about this issue,” said Hanson, believed to be the first admitted cannabis consumer elected to state office in Minnesota.

The rosy outlook and fresh momentum for legalization in Minnesota – where the Democratic governor has promised to sign a legalization bill into law – can be seen across the country in 2023.

At least four states – Ohio, Oklahoma and Pennsylvania, in addition to Minnesota – have a good chance to legalize adult-use marijuana this year, observers and interested parties told MJBizDaily.

In all four states, Democrats now control both the governorship and both chambers of the Legislature.

The stronger Democratic majority in Pennsylvania, where some legalization bills were vetoed by a Republican governor in 2020, is particularly favorable for cannabis reformers’ prospects this year.

By the end of 2023, at least 15 states could have legalized adult-use cannabis, potentially adding $7 billion to the emerging U.S. marijuana industry’s annual revenues.

Cannabis advocates and industry observers are also hopeful that the more conservative states in the South, including Texas and South Dakota, could legalize some form of medical marijuana this year or soon after. That would be a major breakthrough in the region, where cannabis access is still severely restricted.

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