Social Equity in New Mexico: New Step Towards Eradication of Injustice

New Mexico has been working hard to eradicate injustice. Legislatures have passed laws that pave the way towards paving the way towards a better social system. Prejudice, racism, and stereotyping have greatly affected people, and the government aims to end them.

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Social equity has been an issue when it comes to the cannabis community. There is significant prejudice among the people and law enforcement authorities towards people of all races and ethnicities.

Social equity – how big of an issue?

Social equity is a very important matter for the cannabis community. People want to get normal rights and treatment by the government. There have been no clear reports about the state’s prejudice or injustice towards any gender, age, or racial group. The people are still concerned about being wrong. The state is trying to gain the trust of the people.

Application process

The application process is unbiased and open to all. Any citizen of New Mexico can apply for a license, and the state ought to give them one if they are not illegible.

Licensing procedure

The licensing procedure is also kept open for all. It is free of any biasedness. The state’s department can’t deny an application without giving a proper reason for denial. We might see some court cases. However, we always do.

The behavior of the community

The most important thing to note is the behavior of people towards other people. If someone has a license and grows marijuana, people would judge them. This kind of social practice should be addressed. It shouldn’t become normal. Hence, People should be educated on the use and importance of legalization.

Treatment towards patients

When marijuana was first legalized in 2010 for medical reasons, a lot of people opposed this step. The patients were treated in disrespectful ways in some instances. There was a group of people spreading hate towards the patients as well. We have come a long way from that. People understand and accept the importance of cannabis use for medical purposes. We hope that we establish social equity in every aspect.

Business owners

We expect that society will accept the cannabis business. Business owners are bringing more dollars to that state and providing jobs. It should be acknowledged by the people and appreciated.

Recreational users

The community has always been a little hard towards recreational users. We have to address issues like depression, anxiety, and other things in society to understand the demand and use of cannabis.

Race groups

There have been a lot of arrests made in New Mexico over the last year. People were arrested for holding more than one ounce of marijuana with them. Activists claim that a lot of these arrests were made based on the race of the accused people. Law enforcement should bring social equity and normalize marijuana use for people.

The Future

The future of social equity in New Mexico regarding social equity looks bright. People have to understand and educate themselves on the matter. The stereotypes should be addressed, and people should start accepting others in this matter.

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