Seed Winners Announcement

Seed Winners Announcement

Back in my day, seeds were those things one acquired from the back of magazines. A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, the last four pages of High Times and other underground culture magazines were devoted to ads. These ads were mostly of sex and drugs nature, from blow-up dolls to mushroom kits; if you had a unique lifestyle, this was the place to fill it and hope you weren’t being scammed or set up or, for the extra paranoid, being put on a list.

It’s now 2023, and the DEA has said seeds are legal; all seeds are hemp until they blossom like a beautiful butterfly, but like all things in nature, you could end up a moth if not cared for properly.

Now one can buy cannabis seeds legally and hope they can grow it into something that has been misunderstood for 100 years. A plant that is defined by the percentage of its ingredients. Join me as I talk about my giveaway. Overgrow the world with me.

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