RAW Rolling Papers Caught in a Web of Deceit | Cannabis Legalization News

RAW Rolling Papers Caught in a Web of Deceit | Cannabis Legalization News

RAW Rolling Papers Caught in a Web of Deceit

The January 31, 2023 court ruling forbids HBI International from marketing or stating any of the following:

That HBI and/or RAW® contributes its funds or proceeds to a charitable entity/foundation dubbed the “RAW Foundation”
That RAW® Organic Hemp rolling papers are “unrefined”
That RAW® Organic Hemp rolling paper adhesives are made from natural hemp gum
That RAW® Organic Hemp rolling papers are the world’s first or only organic (or organic hemp) rolling papers
That RAW® Organic Hemp rolling papers are made in Alcoy, Spain
That HBI International shall not include a packaging “stamp” using the word Alcoy or referring to Alcoy
That RAW® Organic Hemp rolling papers utilize wind power
That RAW® Organic Hemp rolling papers are made from the center of hemp stalks
That HBI or its founder Joshua Kesselmen invented rolling paper pre-rolled cones
That OCB® Organic Hemp papers are knock-offs, “RAWnabees,” copies, or fake versions of RAW® rolling papers

Raw® Organic Hemp Rolling Papers are an unrefined and all-natural smoking accessory that are manufactured in Alcoy, Spain. These rolling papers are made from the fibrous center of hemp stalks, and their adhesive is derived from natural hemp gum. As a result, RAW® Organic Hemp Rolling Papers have been deemed as the world’s first organic hemp rolling paper.

In order to ensure that their product is eco-friendly, manufacturers HBI International have decided that no packaging using the word “Alcoy” or referring to that specific location will be included in any of the production. This is in addition to the fact that during manufacturing processes RAW® utilizes wind power instead of electricity to power their machines.

Moreover, HBI International would also like it to be known that they were the innovators who invented pre-rolled paper cones as part of their product line up. The company has also expressed discontent with other brands such as OCB® Organic Hemp papers since they feel these products are knock-offs, “RAWnabees” (or fake versions) of original RAW® rolling papers.

With this information in mind, those looking for an eco-friendly smoking solution can rest assured knowing that RAW® Organic Hemp Rolling Papers will not only provide them with a chemical free option but also contribute towards making a cleaner environment due to its production process which doesn’t rely heavily on electricity or hazardous materials.

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