South Dakota’s in trouble, Humboldt County permanently bans hemp cultivation, NORML urges Biden to pardon all non-violent cannabis convictions, and more cannabis news.
The Truth About HB 1100 (South Dakota Marijuana)
South Dakota AG abandons effort to defend adult-use marijuana initiative (MJ Biz Daily)
South Dakota Gov Used State Airplane To Travel To Right-Wing Political Events (Talking Points Memo)
Legendary California marijuana-growing region Humboldt permanently bans hemp cultivation (Hemp Industry Daily)
Marijuana workers get priority for COVID-19 vaccine before teachers in California’s rollout (SF Gate)
Here we go again! Lawmakers delay vote on N.J. weed compromise, putting legalization on shaky ground once more (NJ)
New Mexico Lawmakers Approve Marijuana Legalization Bill In Committee (Marijuana Moment)
Lawmakers in 10 States Have Introduced Proposals to Legalize Marijuana This Year (Reason)
Medical marijuana’s last wildernesses (Politico)
Justice Reform Coalition Urges Biden to Pardon All Non-Violent Marijuana Convictions (Common Dreams)
Delivery May Be the Answer to Weed Equity (Vice News)
The US cannabis industry now supports 321,000 full-time jobs (Leafly)
Governor Cuomo Announces 30-Day Amendments to Legislation Establishing Comprehensive Adult-Use Cannabis Program in New York (Governor NY Gov)
Washington Lawmakers Approve Drug Decriminalization Bill In Committee Vote (Marijuana Moment)
Leafly investigation: Lax THC vape rules still allow toxins into your lungs (Leafly)

From Seeds to Social Spaces: Washington Legislators Chart the Next Chapter of Cannabis Reform
Washington State lawmakers spent significant time on cannabis legislation in the House Consumer Protection & Business Committee meeting on Friday, February 21, spotlighting three key