Missouri Self Opt Out Cannabis Law | Strange MO Marijuana law analysis

Missouri Self Opt Out Cannabis Law | Strange MO Marijuana law analysis


#Missouri Self Opt Out #Cannabis #Law | Strange MO Marijuana law analysis

 The Self Opt-out strangeness out of MO House Bill N. 2733 

Section 650.760. 1. The division may promulgate rules allowing a person to voluntarily exclude himself or herself from the sale of cannabis or cannabis products. Persons who voluntarily exclude themselves from the sale of cannabis or cannabis products shall be placed on a self-excluded list created by the division. All sellers of cannabis or cannabis products shall have access to the list and shall, in addition to checking the identification of a person under section 650.750, check the self-excluded list prior to any sale of cannabis or cannabis products. Any person who sells cannabis or cannabis products to a person who is on the self-excluded list shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor. 


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