Lawmakers want federal protections for legal states in the next spending bill, Senate Democrats are split over legalizing weed, Schumer’s worried the Senate’s marijuana banking vote could undermine a broader legalization push, and more federal cannabis legalization news!
Schumer Slams ‘Bigoted’ Marijuana Laws At Rally, Saying His Federal Bill Will Legalize ‘The Right Way’ (Marijuana Moment)
Schumer Worries Senate Marijuana Banking Vote Could Undermine Broader Legalization Push (Marijuana Moment)
Senate Democrats split over legalizing weed (Politico)
Biden’s Already On Board With Federal Marijuana Legalization Even If He Doesn’t Use That Word, Booker Says (Marijuana Moment)
Bipartisan Lawmakers Want Federal Protections For Marijuana States In Next Spending Bill (Marijuana Moment)
U.S. House Approves Marijuana Banking Bill For Fourth Time, Setting Up Senate Consideration (Marijuana Moment)