How Can I Help to Legalize It?

One of the most asked questions I get asked is “How can I help legalize it (marijuana or cannabis as it’s known in 2020)?”. This is a tough question to answer, especially when two things need to meet, timeliness and location. Now is the time in the United States. Let’s not drop the ball like during Obama when everyone thought it would be one of the first moves; instead, the defense is the first black president had to be careful. Careful of what? Careful of the minds of ignorance and prejudice.

The MORE Act is not perfect, but it’s better than what we have, which is nothing. The rule of law should be based on facts and not some bat fiction mixed with racist claims. For years I’ve been helping prisoners and others from going to prison. I like to think of this as creating hope, which can be a powerful tool during war, but now America has a real chance for legalization, and I don’t mean just The MORE Act; that’s just one piece of the puzzle.

If you’re reading this before January 5th, help Georgia. Donate, troll, spread information, the two incumbents are a Q-ANON believer and a man who won’t stand for a debate; in the regular adult world, these are red flags, but McConnell and Graham got their seats back, so integrity doesn’t a mean a lot in Kentucky and South Carolina, let’s hope it means something in Georgia.

If the Democrats take the Senate, then we can truly have the will of the people. Part of the issue of stalling has been the divisive thinking that New York and Cali issues aren’t Kentucky’s when in actuality it’s America’s.

If the Democrats take the Senate, there are few things prohibitionists can do, like Trump trying to overturn a majority vote. Apparently, the democratic process can work, and for that to happen within the next two years is for the democrats to take one seat in Georgia, and then we make the legislators work for us.

Legalization is not a single voter issue; it’s an American wellness issue. The American dream only works when there’s equality for all, which will lead to the hard sought social equity that is America’s promise.

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