Why are so many myths about marijuana believed? Because it is almost impossible to study cannabis for its benefits. We discuss the federal roadblocks faced by possible researchers. First, anyone that wants to research cannabis must submit an investigational New Drug application to the FDA. Then the researcher needs to get cannabis to study, so they call the National Institute for Drug Abuse and ask for a letter of authorization to obtain the cannabis for study. Then, they must apply for a DEA registration and site licensure before conducting studies involving cannabis or any derivative. Then the researcher submits the application to the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. The FDA claims to be committed to encouraging the development of cannabis related drug products – and resources researches to request a Pre-Investigational New Drug Application.

From Seeds to Social Spaces: Washington Legislators Chart the Next Chapter of Cannabis Reform
Washington State lawmakers spent significant time on cannabis legislation in the House Consumer Protection & Business Committee meeting on Friday, February 21, spotlighting three key