Cannabis events are back in Washington State?

How does one get their product/ brand to connoisseur consumers in a market that has a magnifying glass on it due to it still being Federally illegal?

Before the pandemic, Washington State had a growing cannabis event scene. A place where one could meet owners and growers, not only to learn about their business but also to know the heart of where I’m spending my money. A place where you meet vendors of cannabis and cannabis byproducts and consume said cannabis.

I had the privilege of attending Luc Carlin’s first High Design Expo, the first of many to come. I say this only because sometimes the fun police (I’m looking at you LCB (Liquor Cannabis Board formerly known as WSLCB) have a way of disrupting progress of the thing they’re supposed to protect to prosper with guidance.

In this isolated market, how can one get theirs to those that matter; the media, the influencers, and the public in general. The idea of a market is the best weed should win , not the one that has cut corners creating cheap low quality products in mass.

Events are how brands get their flavor out and build their reputation, not just the coolest packaging but the best quality experience, a free sample can solidify this. Before there were industry socials, there was Seattle Hempfest. For 26 years Seattle Hempfest, a nonprofit, held the most amazing 3 day cannabis consumption event to change the world by changing a law.

The core staff of Seattle Hempfest aren’t 40, even 50 or 60 no more. It takes a lot of energy to manage a mile and a half long piece of land. To accommodate vendors, VIP members, musicians and more, all while ensuring the safety of the public. In the 26 years Seattle Hempfest held a cannabis consumption event, no one died. Neighborhoods weren’t harmed, in fact they were made better through education and the tourism they even brought. The 2019 pandemic knocked the wind out of a lot of sails. It brought a staunch halt to one of the largest cannabis events, along with all the little ones.

Post pandemic, business socials have been the only cannabis consumption events, but with Luc’s High Expo, cannabis connoisseurs i.e cannabis consumers had a chance to meet products and the people behind them.

Cannabis has been legal for 12 years and we’re still working out the kinks. We’re the land of legal weed but no homegrow rights. A place with no home delivery, even after a pandemic where it would’ve helped. A place where one’s business can advertise in a limited way.

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