Can Bernie Sanders Legalize Marijuana by Executive Order on Day One?

Can Bernie Sanders Legalize Marijuana by Executive Order on Day One?

Tom sits down for a fireside chat about Article 2 of the constitution and explains Executive Orders – where they came from – what their limits are. what is an executive order from the president

It turns out that Bernie Sanders – or Donald Trump – could probably make an executive order to at least not enforce the nations cannabis laws because they are unconstitutional – but actually amending the Controlled Substances Act to exclude marijuana may be too far – but he could still do it – just may get sued by Iowa, or another group. bernie sanders marijuana legalization may have explained his wonderful showing in the terrible Iowa Caucus.

Where will Bernie come down on the next debate regarding his plans to  Legalize Marijuana by Executive Order on Day One?  Stay tuned to the next democratic debate in election 2020.

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