The Full Spectrum is Now A Project of CascadiaNow!

CascadiaFull Spectrum Partnership

Oct. 1, 2021 – The Full Spectrum, the organization for the LGBTQ Cannabis Community has just become the latest fiscally sponsored project of ‘CascadiaNow!’.

Formed in the fall of 2018, The Full Spectrum “came together in response to the lack of LGBTQ resources within the cannabis industry,” according to The Full Spectrum’s Founder & Board President Neil Lequia. The mission of The Full Spectrum is “to enhance and sustain LGBTQ diversity, inclusion, and access within the cannabis industry and community”. Since forming, The Full Spectrum has produced webinars, networking events, The CannaPride Show, and community cleanups.

CascadiaNow has been a fiscal sponsor for over 20 organizations since 2015. As a fiscal sponsor, ‘CascadiaNow!’ serves as an umbrella 501c3 organization that provides their legal and tax-exempt status, as well as other services, to projects which engage in activities related to their mission.

CascadiaNow’s mission is “to build a bioregional community that fosters a culture rooted in the love of place, cultural competence, and sustainability”, according to their website.

“This partnership is a perfect fit”, said Lequia. “We absolutely love CascadiaNow’s focus on community and sustainability, which have been huge focuses of our own”.

Neil Lequia_Rudy Ralis The CannaPride Show 2021

Moving forward, The Full Spectrum will be able to operate as a fully functional 501c3 organization. “This helps us tremendously in achieving our mission, and making the biggest impact we possibly can.”

More information on the project, including how to make tax-exempt donations to The Full Spectrum, can be found on CascadiaNow’s page

The Full Spectrum resources, galleries, and more can be found at

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