Happy 4/20/20!!

Happy 4/20! Celebrate with Tom and Miggy during this extra special LIVE Q&A episode!Support the show

Cannabis is Essential | Patients Out of Time

It took a global pandemic for the government to accept that cannabis is an essential medicine. Today, more than 30 states have passed some form of medical marijuana legislation and since 1995, Patients Out of Time has fought to re-institute cannabis as a legitimate medicine. Tune in this Sunday at 3 PM CST for a discussion with an OG cannabis activist from Patients Out of Time.https://patientsoutoftime.org/Support the show

Community Colleges & Cannabis – Certificates in Cannabis

#cannabiscollege #cannabiscertificationsIllinois has a new community college cannabis vocational pilot program. –Answer to question of how many community colleges in Illinois?  48Only 8 of the 48 community colleges in Illinois will get the cannabis vocational training program.  Colleges will be able to award degrees in cannabis.  For example, it will be an associates degree in cannabis – or a certification that provides for completion of a curriculum that colleges are dreaming up right now.  It appears to be an Illinois Cannabis Certificate Program;https://www.cannabisindustrylawyer.com/community-college-cannabis-vocational-pilot-program-in-illinois/Support the show

Cannabis Distributors | NABIS

In California, ALL cannabis products must be bought through a distributor. Distributors are responsible for making sure cannabis products are compliant in terms of testing, labeling, and packaging. Today we’re joined by Vince Ning from NABIS to discuss California’s unique cannabis regulation model.NABIS is one of the largest third-party distributors in California. 99% of retailers in California receive products from NABIS.https://www.nabis.com/Support the show

BREAKING: Virginia Decriminalizes Marijuana

Virginia Decriminalizes Marijuana! Cannabis legalization news from Virginia.Gov. Ralph Northam (d) announced he signed a bill eliminating jail time for marijuana possession.  Virginia decriminalized possession of up to one ounce of marijuana – effective July 1, 2020. “This means close to 30,000 people a year will no longer be labeled as criminals and no longer will suffer the negative repercussions of a criminal conviction,” said Sen. Adam Ebbin, D-Alexandria.VOX: Virginia just decriminalized marijuanaVirginia Mercury: Virginia lawmakers vote to decriminalize marijuana, set $25 civil penalty for possessionSupport the show

Is Cannabis Legal in India?

What penalties do cannabis consumers face in India? Why is the cannabis-infused beverage ‘bhang’ socially acceptable, but cannabis flower is criminalized?India has ancient scriptures dating before 1000 BCE detailing the healing properties of cannabis, but today you can face major penalties for possessing it.is marijuana legal in indiaThe Great Legalisation Movement – India was founded in 2015 by Viki Vaurora in an effort to re-legalize cannabis in India.India opened its first medical cannabis clinic earlier this year, but Viki Vaurora believes they still have a lot of work to do.Today we sit down with Viki Vaurora to discuss The Great Legalisation Movement and the current status of cannabis in India.https://www.glm.org/Support the show

Operating Agreement for Your Cannabis Company – What your LLC needs to know.

#OperatingAgreements #cannabisBusinessOperating agreements tell the story of your limited liability company. They are flexible contracts that can be tailored to suit your cannabis company’s unique needs.  Learn more about cannabis company operating agreements, right here.https://www.cannabisindustrylawyer.com/cannabis-operating-agreement/Support the show

Maryland & Washington DC Cannabis Lawyers | Kinner & McGowan

What conditions qualify for a medical marijuana card in Maryland? How much does it cost to open a dispensary in MD? Today we’re joined by cannabis lawyers Kinner and McGowan out of the DMV area to get a better understanding of Maryland and Washington DC’s cannabis laws.http://kinnermcgowan.com/https://www.outlawreport.com/______________________________________________Footnotes:https://www.politico.com/news/2020/04/08/coronavirus-pandemic-upends-pot-legalization-174073https://www.fool.com/investing/2020/04/07/illionois-recreational-cannabis-sales-approach-110.aspxhttps://www.npr.org/2020/04/08/814291136/bernie-sanders-is-suspending-his-presidential-campaign______________________________________________Where to Find Us:https://www.cannabislegalizationnews.com/https://www.facebook.com/FreeTHChttps://www.instagram.com/CannabisIndustryLawyer/https://www.cannabisindustrylawyer.com/Support the show

Kentucky Cannabis Lawyer | Suhre & Associates

Could Kentucky be the next state to legalize medical cannabis? We’re speaking with Kentucky cannabis lawyer, Nathan Miller, about the progress of HB 136 and what we can expect from Kentucky in 2020.https://suhreandassociates.com/______________________________________________Footnotes:HB 136: https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/record/20rs/hb136.htmlSummary of HB 136: https://www.mpp.org/states/kentucky/summary-of-hb-136-kentuckys-medical-cannabis-bill/______________________________________________Where to Find Us:https://www.cannabislegalizationnews.com/https://www.facebook.com/FreeTHChttps://www.instagram.com/CannabisIndustryLawyer/https://www.cannabisindustrylawyer.com/Support the show

How to Value Your Cannabis Company for Investors – Raising Money for Your Cannabis Business

How to Value Your Cannabis Company for Investors -Part 1 of our multipart series on Raising Money for Your Cannabis Business.Check out our Fundraising playlist for all the videos. Raising capital for you cannabis business is super important unless you have a couple million sitting around burning a hole in your pocket, which is unlikely. Be sure your team puts together the best plan for investors, and try accredited investors, so that you do not have to raise from a lot of people and can have just a few big investors that will help round out your cannabis business team. Try to see if they can give something besides money, but of course, get the money.Many times small businesses use Seller’s Discretionary Earnings, which is basically your net earnings before tax – with what you paid to the owner added back in – when determining a valuation for a company’s sale. The average is about 2.6x SDE as a valuation of a small business, which is most cannabis companies – smaller growers and independant dispensaries.https://www.cannabisindustrylawyer.com/how-to-get-investors-for-your-cannabis-company/Support the show

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