New Requisites to Start a Cannabis Business in New York

Requisites to Start a Cannabis Business in New York

  New Requisites to Start a Cannabis Business in New York   As of 2019, cannabis is still federally illegal in the United States. However, many states have passed their own legalization measures, with New York being one of the most recent. The new Cannabis Adult-Use Regulations in New York will allow businesses and people […]

Could Biden Be the Key to End International Marijuana Ban?

Could Biden Be the Key to End the International Ban on Marijuana? A bipartisan duo of congressional lawmakers have urged President Joe Biden to use his influence to get the United Nations (UN) to end the international ban on marijuana. The resolution calls on the UN to remove the plant from the list of controlled […]

Dutchie Partners with Last Prisoner Project to Help Nonviolent Cannabis Offenders Re-enter Society

Dutchie Partners with Last Prisoner Project to Help Nonviolent Cannabis Offenders Re-enter Society In a new partnership with the Last Prisoner Project, Dutchie will help nonviolent cannabis offenders re-enter society. The wide-reaching partnership includes coordination and support across several of Last Prisoner Project’s efforts, including expungement of criminal records, re-entry support This is a huge […]

UK Lawyer’s Vegan Hemp Wig Could Change Legal System For Good

UK Vegan Lawyer Wig

UK Lawyer’s Vegan Hemp Wig Could Change Legal System For Good As an attorney based in the U.K., Samuel March is disrupting the centuries-long tradition of barristers wearing wigs made with horsehair. He wants lawyers in the country’s high courts to start donning vegan, hemp-based head coverings instead. Not only is this a more animal-friendly […]

Cannabis Legalization in Texas Could Be a Thing

texas marijuana legalization news

Cannabis Legalization in Texas Could Be a Thing After clinching the Democratic nomination for Texas governor, Beto O’Rourke took the stage and made a promise that could possibly define his fall campaign. He vowed to legalize marijuana in the Lone Star State if elected, something he believes most Texans agree on. This move could have […]

Democrats Fail on Cannabis Reform | Cannabis Legalization Stalls in Congress

Democrats Fail on Cannabis Reform

Democrats Fail on Cannabis Reform | Cannabis Legalization Stalls in Congress Democrats Fail on Cannabis Reform | Cannabis Legalization Stalls in Congress. #cannabis #Legalization #Fails Virginia’s House General Laws Subcommittee on Monday voted 5-3 against a bill that would have allowed adult-use cannabis sales to begin in the state later this year, DCist reports. The […]

vaccine mandate by Biden expected to apply to the marijuana businesses


[yotuwp type=”videos” id=”2gFT7LKvTFQ” ] Coronavirus has affected every aspect of life over the last year. It took over half a million lives in the United States. With vaccines introduced by the pharmaceutical industries, there has been enough evidence that governments worldwide are implementing and encouraging their citizens to get vaccinated. For that purpose, the USA […]

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