Growing Weed with Ed Rosenthal

Ed Rosenthal, the author of the highly revered “Marijuana Grower’s Handbook”, joined us on Cannabis Legalization News!We discussed cannabis seeds, indoor vs outdoor growing systems, grow lights, germinating cannabis seeds, curing cannabis, harvesting cannabis, and how you can grow marijuana LEGALLY.DISCLAIMER: Always comply with your state laws! Tom, Miggy, and Ed live in states where cannabis is legal for adult-use. the show

Security Plans for Cannabis Businesses

The security regulations around cannabis are often very stringent and play a key role in your license application. Jim White and Ted Daniels from CannaBeSecure joined us to discuss security plans for cannabis businesses. the show

Is Indiana 420 Friendly?

Indiana’s cannabis laws are some of the harshest in America! While their neighbors in Illinois raked in over $63M in cannabis sales in August, consumers in Indiana can face up to a year of jail time just for a single joint. Indiana NORML joined us to discuss their legalization progress. the show

Buying and Selling a Cannabis Business

Gino Rodrigues from MMJ Business Solutions joins to discuss preparing your business for acquisition and tips for buying cannabis licenses. the show

How to Expunge Your Record

National Expungement Week is September 19 – 26! Alex Boutros and Mo Will from Cannabis Equity Illinois join to talk criminal justice reform and take us through the expungement process.Check out Cannabis Equity Illinois: Expungement Week: the show

Navy bans CBD products, Mississippi to vote on medical marijuana, and more Cannabis Legalization News

Miggy and Tom discuss the news of the week in this episode of Cannabis Legalization News.Footnotes:Finalist for marijuana dispensary licenses also works for firm that graded applications: Officials To Seek Federal Marijuana Exemption From DEA: Explains Why It Banned Hemp Shampoos And Lotions For Sailors: heads for potentially close November vote on medical cannabis legalization: Banks Working With Marijuana Business Clients Amid Coronavirus, New Federal Report Shows: the show

Illinois Dispensary Winners – What Happened to “Social Equity”?

Illinois was being hailed as having the most equitable social equity provisions in the country but the recent dispensary winner results have many people scratching their heads and calling their lawyers.can you grow your own weed in illinois700 teams applied, 21 were picked as potential winners for 75 dispensary licenses. Here’s what you need to know about Illinois’ cannabis legislation, the potential winners, and the upcoming dispensary lottery.Cannabis lobbyist, Mark Peysakhovich, and Candace M. Clark from Social Equity Empowerment Network join to offer us more insight.Check out Social Equity Empowerment Network (S.E.E.N.) to get your scores!If you’re an Illinois resident, call your Representative to voice your grievances: through the winners: who’s behind the LLC’s: the show

Why are people still in jail for cannabis crimes?

Kristin Flor’s father, Richard Flor, was imprisoned as a result of the 2011 DEA raids. Richard died behind bars, separated from his wife and family. Kristin now works with activist groups such as The Human Solution International and Freedom Grow Forever to fight against the war on drugs.“The thought of another caregiver dying in federal custody like my father did kills me. Nobody deserves to go to jail or die shackled to a hospital bed because of a plant.” – Kristin FlorRead more about Richard Flor here: the show

Nebraska Votes on Medical Marijuana this November

Nebraskans will be voting on a medical marijuana initiative this November. Seth Morris from Berry Law joined to tell us everything we’ll need to know about Nebraska’s potential MMJ market. the show

MORE Act – Federal Cannabis Legalization | Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expungement Act

It’s official, the House will vote on the MORE Act this September.The MORE Act would:Remove cannabis from the list of Schedule 1 substancesExpunge the records of those with cannabis convictionsReinvest revenue into communities that were most harmed by the War on DrugsAllow veterans access to medical marijuanaAnd more! Read the full text here: more about the M.O.R.E. Act here: Perez of the Marijuana Justice Coalition and Drug Policy Alliance joined us to discuss the MORE Act and making the cannabis industry more accessible for all!Find your representative and ask where they stand on the M.O.R.E. Act:, your Representative works for YOU! Check out the Drug Policy Alliance and Marijuana Justice Coalition: the show

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